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LaunchDICOM Viewer

View DICOM Images of all modalities using our DICOM Viewer.

Open File

This feature allows users to view a single DICOM file, which includes the image and the data elements for all modalities

Original Size

This feature allows users to resize the image of a DICOM file to its original size.

Rotate Left

This feature allows users to rotate a DICOM image 90 degrees to the left

Rotate Right

This feature allows users to rotate a DICOM image 90 degrees to the right

Fit to Screen

This feature allows users to resize the image of a DICOM file to the user screen size

Flip Vertical

This feature allows users to flip a DICOM image vertically

Flip Horizontal

This feature allows users to flip a DICOM image horizontally


This feature allows users to restore the orientation and size to a DICOM image

Draw Rectangle

This feature allows users to draw a rectangle on a DICOM image

Draw Oval

This feature allows users to draw an oval on a DICOM image

Draw Line

This feature allows users to draw a line on a DICOM image

Draw Arrow

This feature allows users to draw an arrow on a DICOM image

Enter Text

This feature allows users to enter text on a DICOM image

Save Image

This feature allows users to save a DICOM image with objects and text

Select Object

This feature allows users to select a drawn shape or text on a DICOM image

Move Object

This feature allows users to move a drawn shape or text on a DICOM image

Delete Object

This feature allows users to delete an object from a DICOM image

Zoom In

This feature allows users to zoom in on a DICOM image

Zoom Out

This feature allows users to zoom out on a DICOM image

Full Screen

This feature allows users to view a DICOM image in full screen mode

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